Have you made your road trip plans for the 2024 solar eclipse? If not, there’s still time – but you need to make your plans ASAP! Take a look at our RV tips for 2024 Eclipse viewing essentials so you don’t leave anything behind.

Plan and Schedule Your Route
The solar eclipse will be on Monday, April 8, 2024. Think of it as a party with a start and end time that’s carved in stone – you don’t want to be late! Plan to use the Saturday or Sunday before to travel to your destination and scout out your preferred viewing spot.
Online maps provide the solar eclipse’s path of totality. You’ll want to make reservations at a campground now. Make good on this trip as a spring break (or thereabouts trip) by taking a look at some of the states the path of totality crosses. Is there a state you’ve always wanted to visit? Are there some relatives you haven’t seen in years? Coordinate your eclipse viewing destination with a place on your 2024 travel bucket list.
Get Your Gear
For eclipse day, you’ll want to be in a wide-open space with a clear view of the sky. Make sure to bring the following:
- Lawn chairs
- Sunscreen
- Insect repellant
- Bottled water
Most of all, you’ll want to pack approved solar eclipse viewing glasses. Any viewing of the sun with unprotected eyes can cause permanent eye damage, and eclipse viewing glasses are easy and affordable to come by – many stores already have them up at the registers!
RV Service in Advance
One thing that can make you tragically late to the party is to be dealing with a roadside breakdown or RV troubles on the road. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so contact us today to schedule some RV service for your new or used RV. We can get it ready for the road – so you can get ready to see the eclipse! Happy travels!